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Trance Dance Journey
Dienstag, 22. August 2017, 19:00
Aufrufe : 868
TRANCE DANCE JOURNEY | Berlin - 22.08.2017 - 19-22pm

This is an invitation to journey in, dissolve mundane matters and dance into a more expanded state of consciousness.  An opportunity to recycle and transform your energy, to awaken and enliven yourself,  to release any limiting patterns and focus on what truly matters for you, now, in your evolution as a human being so that you can  live to your full potential!

Join us... come nurture, ignite and express your innersun with us. Summer is a beautiful season to come together, celebrate yourself and the gift of being alive!


Trance dancing has its roots in ancient shamanic traditions, it has been practised for more the 35 thousand years in various tribes & cultures around the world as a medium of altering consciousness through dancing to powerful rhythms that help us connect to our spiritual realm.  This 'trance' state  which can be compared to the periods of deep sleep & dreams, taps into the most subconscious parts of ourselves where true healing, clarity and insight can take place, unswears to questions be  found and intentions manifest. 

This journey is a modern adaptation of such rituals for a generation of people that are part of a fast paced world that so often get’s us lost amongst its numerous distractions.  Trance Dance uses a blindfold, a transformational breathing technique and intuitive body movements  to invite you into deeper states of consciousness.

Every time you will step into the unknown darkness you will gradually learn to surrender to the state an attain deeper experiences. 

FACILITATOR | Maria Fonseca

Maria is a professional dancer and qualified Shamanic Trance Dance facilitator. As a professional dancer, Maria started to question various things: How does dance influences the self? Can it be healing? This quest evolved into a dissertation, 'SPIRITUALITY & DANCE' where she has looked into ancient and contemporary forms of spiritual dances such as the Native American Ritual Dances, the Whirling Dervishes and Osho Active Meditations among others. Maria has been giving trance dance journeys in London the past 2 years, she has experience in working diverse groups of people and is exited to provide a safe space for you to explore and evolve.  Dance has not only become a practice but a way of living for her, the greatest medicine, teacher and medium for self- discovery and balance.

‘As soon as I entered the room I felt safe, the way Maria had set the space made me immediately trust her and the process.’ A. Ines

'Dance is an extremely powerful tool that has the ability to move with all aspects the self. It helps you get rid of the mental, emotional and physical clutter and allows space for new possibilities, health and consciousness in your life. It is nothing new to us...it is simply forgotten and our society needs to remember it, urgently for our own health and evolution as human beings. I believe every human being has a power within them waiting to be ignited and I am happy to hold a safe space where you can encounter, manifest and expand through the sacred dance' - Maria



19.00 - 19.30 pm Registration
19.30 - 21.30 pm TRANCE DANCE JOURNEY
21.30 - 22.00 pm Closing Circle


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15 € Early Bird until 15th of August

20 € Regular